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Email: info@midlandsboatsurveys.co.uk
Diploma- Practical Yacht & Small Craft Surveying Course, 2017, Ipswich, UK and Higher Technical Diploma Nautical Science
YOUR boat safety is my prime concern.
"Many thanks for going back to retest the performance of our Nimbus 320; very much appreciated.
We are now able to go ahead with the purchase with peace of mind. We are on schedule to have her lifted on Thursday and transported to Hythe for putting on her new berth by Friday.
We can't thank you enough for all your help throughout this process. It has been a pleasure to have you on board, we really appreciate everything you have done for us."

All types of surveys undertaken:
* Condition Surveys * Insurance Surveys
* Pre-Purchase Surveys * Marine consultancy
* Yacht Surveys * Damage Surveys
* Hull Condition Survey * River/Sea Trials
* Ultrasonic Steel Measurement
* Osmosis Blistering Analysis / De-Lamination Consultancy
* Valuations * New Build Surveys
* Oil Analyses * Boat Handling Advice

All types of surveys undertaken:
* Condition Surveys * Insurance Surveys
* Pre-Purchase Surveys * Marine consultancy
* Yacht Surveys * Damage Surveys
* Hull Condition Survey * River/Sea Trials
* Ultrasonic Steel Measurement
* Osmosis Blistering Analysis / De-Lamination Consultancy
* Valuations * New Build Surveys
* Oil Analyses * Boat Handling Advice
Marine Survey Training Course was established in 2006 by Paul Stevens who is a long established yacht and small craft surveyor and technical author on surveying issues. Paul set up the course as a practical, hands-on, training alternative to distance learning correspondence courses. The course started at the International Boatbuilding Training College (IBTC) in Lowestoft.
Marine Survey Training is now based at Fox’s boatyard in Ipswich and retains close links with the IBTC. The practical surveying course provides an initial package of distance learning material followed by four weeks of training on a wide variety of GRP, wood and steel vessels, both leisure and commercial, thereby bridging the gap between study of theory for several months prior to the course and later performing survey work.
The course is now led by the renowned and exceptionally experienced duo Martin Evans and Aidan Tuckett, both long standing members of the YDSA and RINA. The course trains students in identification and interpretation of defects, structured thorough condition surveying and high-quality report writing. The course is only open to people with suitable, prior marine industry experience and one is vetted beforehand to substantiate their competencies. Following successful completion of the course, BMSE membership is offered to mentor and help maintain a high quality standard of work throughout the student’s career.
BMSE is a specialist group of yacht and small craft surveyors that raises standards in the surveying industry by sharing technical information and training events. The group includes members from other countries but most are found in the UK. Many have extensive marine industry backgrounds, ranging from Boatbuilders and Brokers to ex-Merchant Navy and Superyacht captains. All BMSE members must have passed the Practical Yacht and Small Craft Surveying Course provided by Marine Survey Training ©. BMSE focus is to carry out a comprehensive series of inspections and tests and describe the results found to be expressed in plain English.
While all members work to a similar format and standard, each member will offer different services and specialities. BMSE was formed to share knowledge between surveyors, thereby allowing each surveyor to draw on the specialist expertise of others. Members communicate on a forum daily discussing new technology, emerging trends, new repair methods, and industry issues, as well as individual vessel’s defects.
Present BMSE Membership requirements are to have passed the Marine Survey Training course, to hold Professional Indemnity Insurance, and to be a practicing Yacht Surveyor. In an industry that is continually evolving, BMSE offers yacht owners, insurers and finance companies the reassurance of working with a professional group of surveyors that are continually looking to raise surveying standards

A Member of the British Marine Surveyors Europe (BMSE) association where there is a support forum for like minded Marine Surveyors to discuss current industry themes, marine legislation, operational surveying issues in an informed, controlled, open forum with ones's peers across UK and Europe.
Membership of the International Institute of Marine Surveyors (I.I.M.S)
Step by Step Guide to Buying & Selling a Boat
Whilst the process of buying a boat does not have to be complicated there are a number of key factors that every buyer should take into account. This guide therefore aims to provide some general advice to both buyer and seller. For further advice please see the publications list at the end of this guide.
Legal Protection
The rights of purchaser and seller may be varied by many circumstances. There are various Acts of Parliament designed to protect the purchaser, the so called Consumer Protection Statutes, such as The Consumer Rights Act 2015, The Sale of Goods Act 1979, The Misrepresentation Act 1967, The Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977, The Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999, The Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 and The Sale and Supply of Goods to Consumer Regulations 2002. Further information on this area of law is available in our Consumer Protection Guidance Note.
Type of Boat
When considering purchasing a boat, you must first decide which type of boat best suits your requirements. These may range from sailboards to very large sailing or powered boats and the type and size of boat itself can make a considerable difference to the process. As will whether the boat is being built to order, sold new or sold second-hand.
It is well worth taking some time to consider just what you want to achieve from your life on the water, what type of use you intend to put your boat to; are you interested in racing, will you be cruising off-shore; where will you keep it; at a marina or does it need to be a trailer sailor etc.. It is essential to make sure it is suitable for your particular requirements.
Boats may be advertised for sale in the newspaper, yachting press, website, through a brokerage as well as Post Office windows, etc.
The parties involved in a sale and purchase, depending on whether you are buying a new or second-hand boat, are likely to include:
Purchaser and Seller;
Seller’s agent/broker;
The sale of second-hand boats may take the form of a sale between private individuals often conducted via a broker, as agent for the seller.
VAT is not chargeable on the sale of second-hand boats between private individuals but VAT is charged to the seller for the services rendered by the broker. The broker usually charges the seller a commission for his services.
If the seller fails to disclose to the broker some material fact the broker may not be liable to the purchaser, instead the purchaser may have to seek redress from the seller.
Further information on using a Broker is available in our Broker Guidance Note.